Wednesday, October 31, 2007
If you record it, they will listen.
Subject matter - Whatever the hell I decide.
I want to try this and would greatly appreciate it if you could drop some feedback.
Thanks again for all the readership and comments are always welcome!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Oh Shit! Plaque Bugs?

Thursday, October 25, 2007
Europa! The pictoral!
Here's the link. I'll edit and tag them when I get time.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
I come from the land down under.
I can safely say that this two week event was one of the most influential things in my life to date. Not only did I absorb the culture of the countries that we visited, but I also got to know some really great people from other areas of the globe.
Let me just say that Australians are fucking awesome. I had so much fun doing this tour with them that Hoser Jen and I want to travel to Australia and visit them as soon as we can. We got to share in some "firsts" for them such as Escargots and Frog Legs. That was a great event. I can't even begin to describe how much fun we had. They were fun loving, easy going, incredibly hilarious people. People I can say are friends. The tour wouldn't have been the same without enjoying it with these people. Thank you.
So this goes to those Aussies who know who they are. Cheers! Prost! And here's to the next time we shall cross paths!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Gerald Ford = God of counterfeit cash
Apparently I didn’t get that memo. But its true! While in
Monday, September 10, 2007
Lord of the Flies

Jen and I traveled to
Monday, August 27, 2007
24 Hr. Jesus
And after a while, wouldn't they finish the bible? It's only like three hundred pages, unless you get one of those ones with the totally awesome pictures of dragons and shit or the ones with the super huge font for the blind people. So once they get through it, do they start again at the beginning? I think that most people don't catch it all every week, that's why they have to keep going back. I'd quit after Jesus invented beer. I think that's chapter two.
Then there's those televangelists. Every time I flip through the dial, I mistake their program for a European soccer match. There's like three hundred thousand people at those things. And why would you go to one of those fiascoes? You can catch it at one of the few churches in your neighbourhood. I think everyone just wants to get on TV. I'd laugh my ass off if someone brought a beach ball and started the wave.
I wonder what it takes to make a church? I think Chotchky should start one. He'd worship turds. I'd join. I bet I could fart in his church.
The First Church of Feces - Brother Chotchky
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Margarita Saturday.

There should be more drinking related holidays too. You've got St.Patrick's Day, but that's in frosty March. Then there's Cinco de Mayo, but that's in early summer. May 24 isn't far behind there, but technically it's related to some princess or something. Ain't nobody like royalty or nothing.
Suggestions on others?
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Facebook = what replaced normal life
My biggest pet peeve with the Facebook is that people can update the population with their "status". What ever happened to talking to someone? Not cool enough? Oh, look. Mary is sad today. B.F.D. No one cares. Go dye your hair black and listen to AFI.
The only good thing about that site, and this is what everyone uses it for, is getting in everyone elses Kool Aid. People are naturally curious about what gossip they can get about anyone else. So I'm going to start spreading random shit on there and see how far it gets. Maybe the Make a Wish foundation will finally let me run the bases at SkyDome if I try hard enough. Another thing people use it for is to stalk ex'es and psycho stalk people they want to bang. Yup. I said it. That includes chicks too. Stalking my sweet ass. Back off!
From now on, I will only attempt to use my Facebook page to totally fuck with people. If anyone pitches a fit about what I do on there, they've got an addiction and need to chill the fuck out. And really, do you care if you are in touch with EVERYONE you've ever met?? Need to add the cashier from the Grocery store to your friend list? Sure it's nice to find out how old friends are doing and whatnot, but there is a reason why you aren't friends anymore. NO ONE LIKES YOU!!!
I hate it when random people that I meet add me as friends. They just want to find out what kind of kickass things it is that I do, and envy me. Fact is, everyone envies me. Even Jesus.
One day, he came to me and asked if we could hang out and take some pictures of us skiing and playing Guitar Hero to post on his Facebook. But I thrashed his ass so bad that he cried and ran home before any pictures were taken.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Why I rock.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Long weekend - Time to work?

On long weekends, I often find myself drinking massive amounts of beer and barbecuing anything that I can throw on the Man-B-Q. But other long weekends have a more important purpose.
These are the weekends when your friends get you to do shit for free. They know you aren't going anywhere, so why not assist with Roto-Tilling three acres? Laying 2000 square feet of shag carpet? Delousing the rec room?
These things also come up when you least expect it. Usually you get all geared up to throw back 3 or 27 beers over the course of the weekend, but instead you're assembling a garden shed at the last minute because your buddy's wife asked him to get it put together.
There's no way to plan these tasks either. The instant you start talking about needing help with shit like this it's like the plague hit town. Guys are busy already, going out of town, doing their own chores, or have a chronic case of the gout. You gotta get sneaky and sucker them into it. Use beer and meat as a lure.
But sometimes, and this is really rare, you actually don't mind helping with the work. Usually these tasks outweigh "other" things your wife may want you to do. The lesser of two evils kind of thing. You know, help a guy put up a fence or go shopping for flowers. Pouring a cement walkway in 100 degree heat or choosing your wedding colours. That kind of shit. Make sure that you tell your wife that you HAVE to help. If you mention the importance of the task and how much the other wife wants it done, and if you help him, he'll help with a future project that she wants done. Sometimes she'll let you escape to the land of manliness.
Keep your eyes open gentlemen. Take a look at the whole situation before you commit to assisting in laborious tasks on long weekends. You might end up looking at window treatments all weekend instead of pulling a 350 out of your buddy's pickup.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Pandora Updated
Here's a post from Pandora explaining what has happened.
May 03, 2007
Breaking Pandora's Heart...
Dear Listeners -
Tonight we began the heartbreaking process of blocking access to Pandora for listeners outside the U.S.
It's hard to think of anything more anathema to who we are than turning off someone's radio, but the current legal realities leave us no choice. While the DMCA provides us a blanket license in the U.S., there is no equivalent in other countries.
For those of you around the world who received our early warning emails, thanks so much for your kind and understanding replies... humbling. It really means a lot to us (even though it makes it doubly hard to do...)
Trust that we will continue working as hard as we can to obtain the licenses we need, and to push for the establishment of effective, centralized licensing bodies around the world. Hopefully this kind of development will add some urgency to the need for reform in the administration of worldwide copyrights.
We will all eagerly await the day when we can turn this back on, so please stay close. To quote our CTO, Tom Conrad: "we'll take good care of your stations in the meantime."
Keep the faith...
Tim (Founder)
Abso-fucking-lutely ridiculous. Now the internet is being policed for musical content, meanwhile a bajillion bukakke porn sites get domains. Where's the priorities people?
Thursday, May 17, 2007
I have seen heaven, and it's made of chicken and beer

Over the weekend, my lovely wife and I spent our time in the town of Frankenmuth, Mi. You don't even understand how fantastical this place is. But beware, with the good comes the bad. Here is a short list of the pros and cons.
- Frankenmuth is the location of the only North American distribution center for Hofbrau. That right there ranks it in the Eight Wonders of the World.
- All you can eat Fried Chicken Dinners. I don't know what they put in this shit, but wow. A metric ass load of side dishes, mashed potatoes that melt in your mouth, stuffing, veggies for colour, buttered noodles, and of course all the delicious fried chicken you can eat. Oh, and Hofbrau on tap! Delishis! There's no need to eat for at least nine days after this feast.
- Fresh Fudge and places called "haus" and "garten"- need I say more.
- Hofbrau. Nectar of Bavaria and the official beverage of Mensa.
- It's in the middle of Michigan, which means this side of nowhere.
- It's a retirement attraction. Old folks by the bus load. This should be outlawed. Old people shouldn't be allowed to clog the streets keeping me from the Hofbrau. Send them to Shitshewana.
- As the chicken dinners are so absolutely awesome, and they are "all you can eat", it's a magnet for the morbidly obese and every stereotypical NASCAR fan. I find this funny, and constantly get smacked for cracking jokes.
- The only place to find Hofbrau, (that I've found).
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
How to write a song - by the Red Hot Chili Peppers and a four year old.
Hard Top
Just a piece of lead to bite on
What am I to fly my kite on
Do you want to flash your light on
Take a look its on display - for you
Coming down no not today
Oh my lord. Such talent! How about another?
Get it off with no propeller
Do it up it's always stellar
What a way to finally smell her
Pick it up it's not to strong - for you
Take a piece and pass it on
Oh a face melter! Alright Ant'ny, lets close this mother out with the best of the best.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa - want to
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Hot cross buns! Hot cross buns!
One a penny two a penny - Hot cross buns
If you have no daughters, give them to your sons
One a penny two a penny - Hot cross buns
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
How I won the "lottery" and had it taken from me.

“DIS A TOW BOOF”, she scolds.
“The gate was open and there wasn’t anyone there. Your light isn’t even on! I come across the border all the time and this happens all the time in the unattended lanes”, I reply.
“Dis a tow boof. You gots to pay tha tow. I down’t cayer if tha gate is open, you pay tha tow.” I pay and then I could swear she said, “Cracka ass Cracka” under her breath. Wow. What the hell do you care? It’s not like the $4 is going to make the bridge go into bankruptcy. When I worked at Wal-Mart, I used watch people shoplift stupid shit all the time. Did I care. Fuck no. Wasn’t my shit, and I certainly wouldn’t see another dime on my paycheck if I stopped them. Trust me, I tried that route.
And if the lane is in service, turn on the fucking light and drop the gate! If the gate is malfunctioning, put some pylons in front of it so no one can drive through! It’s a simple concept.
I hope I get her as a toll booth attendant again. I’ll be ready with 400 pennies for her.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Hoser Dave on the
Here's my addition to the boys over there.
So I guess my dog could be worth an 86 Cutlass?
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
What's it worth to you?

So I read that the asshats at Bell are jacking up the cost of a local call from a payphone from $.25 to $.50! Let me wrap my nugget around this one. The simple fact that payphones are becoming obsolete and more and more people are using cell phones causes the price to double? Wouldn't that make less people use them? You can get pretty cheap pay as you go phone packages out there. I purchased such plan as a safety net in case I got into some car trouble or needed to call a radio station to tell them how shitty their hosts are.
Now I'm even less inclined to grab the receiver of a payphone and brave not getting some incurable disease like dysentery from all the scumbags that rub their garbage all over it as a joke. Why do they do that? Don't they realize that they aren't the first guy to rub the receiver all over their crotch? That's how STD's are really spread. I know. Not from a point of reference, but from science. Bell telephone knows. That's why they're upping the cost of a call to $.50. It's their attempt to stop the spread of syphilis.
I should be on the news.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
"That's the coolest old man I've ever met."

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Alls I know is I seen the excape.
It's a huge pet peeve of mine when people blatantly mispronounce or misuse words correctly.
Time I see if I'm the only retard who pays attention to things like that. Every chance I get I'll fuck with words and pronunciation and see if anyone corrects me. Not likely, but never the less, worth the experiment.
The main mispronunciations or misuses that really fucking get me going are:
Excape (escape) - I had to excape from that meeting before I fell asleep.
Suposebly - Suposebly, I have a brain in my head.
Seen - Oh yeah? I seen that movie on the weekend.
Alls I need / Alls I'm sayin - Alls I'm sayin is I need a lobotomy.
Fuck! Will you stop and listen to yourselves for once in a while?
On second thought, this would probably drive me nuts trying TO speak that way and cause me to come down with hives. No one likes hives. No one likes turnips either. Fuck turnips.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
How I won our "biggest loser" challenge.
So along comes Ed and Lana, and they say their holding a "Biggest Loser" contest between friends. The deal - $50 per person to get in and in three months, the person who lost the largest percentage of body mass wins. The pot got to $800. Split it between the guy biggest loser and the girl biggest loser for the win. Fucking A. I'm all over this bitch. Fatty McFattavitch could use an extra four hundy to pay down some "bills" and do some needed shopping for my Mini.
So I start working out at the gym and eating right, giving this thing an honest try. I'm thinking I'm doing alright with this and if I lose like 25 lbs, I should be in good shape. But what if one of the other contestants beats me by like two pounds? What can I do to make sure I've put in my all and shed all of the poundage I can? I need to purge. I need a colonic. Yeah, I'm so full of shit and old chewing gum I gotta be able to lose like four or five extra pounds right there. Nice.
So i go to the pharmacy and pick out the one laxative that sounds the most potent. Citro-Mag. May as well called it Colon-Explosion, as I would find. I give most of the people I come into contact with fair warning what I will be doing to prepare for the weigh in. I wear this like a badge. "I'm gonna shit all day!", I profess to the girl at the checkout. She smiles. She doesn't even know.
The weigh in was scheduled for the Saturday after Good Friday. Perfect. I have the entire day Friday to shit my brains out and watch the pounds flush down the toilet. I wake up at 8 AM and immediately down the entire bottle and wait. Tastes nice and citrusy. I throw "Army of Darkness" in the DVD player to pass time because its the greatest movie in the world. All of a sudden about three hours later, it hit me like a shit storm. Literally. I ran to the toilet and started my two hour marathon. I could have sworn that I shit out a Hot Wheels I ate as a child.
I honestly didn't think it did too much, but the scale doesn't lie. A three pound difference. Nice.
At the weigh in, I tipped the scale at 232 lbs. Not bad for three months of eating right and a little secret weapon. That was good for about an 11% drop in body mass, and the top prize as biggest loser.
So call me retarded. Up yours! So what if I shit my way to the win? At least I'm not hauling all that old Trident any more.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Yeah, I guess I was right - kinda.
At least American Idol's Sanjaya is not getting the attention he was for a while there.
Lets see how the circus does with this one.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Why i'm sick of the Don Imus bullshit.
I do not agree with the comment that he made, nor do I condone that behaviour. I'm just pissed that its all over MY FUCKING TV!
I don't care about this anymore. He's a DJ. He is sorry. End of list. What makes this the news story of the year? Iraq getting dull? No hurricanes or floods to get scared of? Why the hell do I have to constantly hear about his bullshit?
I've never listened to his programs, nor do I care to in the future. I just want the media to stop making this into more of an issue than it already is and move on!
Tell you what. I'll give you a topic to report about you media whores. How about, "How to graduate High School and not become a complete anchor on society!" or my personal favourite, "Chili: The ninth wonder of the world."
My prediction. It's going to take a celebrity death to get everyone to stop talking about Imus. I hope it's Michael Jackson.
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
What the hell is going on?
Period. I cannot stand to hear all the bullshit about, "Teachers can't control their classrooms because children have the upper hand" and "This recess is a "No Running" recess, to prevent injuries."
What the hell is society coming to? A no running recess? Kids can only briskly saunter or up the pace a bit while playing tag? Give me a break. School boards are so afraid of lawsuits in this "sue happy" era that it's affecting how kids are raised. Part of growing up is having authority figures scare the shit out of you when you do something dumb. Now kids are in the driver's seat, because teachers are afraid to so much as raise their voice in fear of losing their jobs.
Fuck that. My teachers used to beat the shit out of us guys when we got out of line. Not to say that we didn't try to retaliate, but we knew from then on there was always that threat. One time I watched my teacher hold a student against the wall by his throat. Not because the teacher felt like doing it, but because the kid was being an ignorant fuck stick and deserved it. There was always "that" teacher that had a run in with a kid years ago, and that reputation kept 99% of the kids in the future in line. I'm sure those teachers had an easier career handling the shit head kids than the push over teachers.
School boards need to re-vamp how they do business and get the control back from the kids. I say we go for a military style school atmosphere. Parents need to realize that they didn't get any of this bullshit when they were in school, and they turned out just fine. School is the first steps in preparing a kid for the real world, and if you keep them in a bubble, they'll turn into socially retarded douche bags.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Pandora Internet Radio - can be found at
This site allows you to discover music that you actually like! This takes Sirius and XM to the next level. You program stations that play music that you rate as a like or dislike.
This now serves as my household radio, and I don't know what I'd do without it. Probably get leprosy or something.
Turd Dog
Welcome to Hot Chowder.
My name is Hoser Dave and I'm in my late twenties. I reside in a small town where everyone knows everyone and that's the way they like it. The local weekly newspaper even has a "social" reporter, who reports on all the happenings of every resident of the retirement homes in town. She also reports such important events as, "First Robin Sighting of 2007" and "So and So's relatives are in town from Barrie". Contain yourselves. I'll be sure to use some of her column as fodder.
I should point out one thing before i delve into this "blogging" thing. I have a goal. When I was in High School, I had some difficulty choosing a career path. On one hand, I'm a motorhead, and the other somewhat of an entertainer. I was either going to go to school to work in the automotive industry, or to become a radio DJ. I chose the auto industry, because at the time it was a very lucritive career choice. I did not no at the time that I would grow to hate it more and more as time goes on. So this blog, and eventually podcast "will" (read ~ had better damn well) fulfill that desire to inform and entertain.
So thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully you'll enjoy my life as much as I do.