Wednesday, October 31, 2007

If you record it, they will listen.

Alright, here's where all you Hot Chowder fans can actually listen to me instead of reading the type. Within the next week, I will launch the Hot Chowder Podcast.
Subject matter - Whatever the hell I decide.
I want to try this and would greatly appreciate it if you could drop some feedback.

Thanks again for all the readership and comments are always welcome!


Dan Misener said...

Rock rock on, brother.

Anonymous said...

It's been over a week. People aren't patient these days, you know. (Like myself, for example)

Hoser Dave said...

Apparently it's you and 32 other people that are waiting.
Trust me, I've been working on it, however some things like have like uh gotten in the way?

Ask Jen, I've been working on it.

Darin said...

32 and a HALF. :)

Hoser Dave said...

No I'm having trouble with the host.
It's a never ending challenge I tell you.

Anonymous said...

Come on Hoser Dave! I can't wait to hear the sound of your melodious voice rambling on about ramblings. :-)
