Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Why I rock.

I built this city in my spare time.

I used this Moose to haul the lumber.

I had to eat something, so I punched the water and fully cooked and garnished mussels jumped out.

Then I built the greatest brewery this side of the Atlantic.

Hell yes.


Anonymous said...

With all that spare time, when you built that city, did you build it on rock and roll?

Do you know how to punch a lake and have barbequed lemon pepper salmon pop out? That's a recipe I would want for beating up water!

Anonymous said...

Dave, I don't need to see pictures to know what you rock. Now, say you had a shirt that said, "I rock", now that'd be different because everywhere you'd go, people would sit there and say, "Whoa man, you rock". It's true, I swear it.


Anonymous said...

I'm getting bored with you and your blog....update it now!!!

Anonymous said...

I feel that you have been slacking with your Hot Chowder blogging duties. It's been since June damnit!! Make time to entertain us all more often!