Sunday, August 19, 2007

Margarita Saturday.

As far as I am concerned, the third Saturday in August is Margarita Saturday. Why? Why the fuck not? Since our gubment isn't willing to recognize actual deserving items as national holidays, why can't I establish one?
The first annual Margarita Saturday was a bit of a suckass holiday, due to the freakishly cold weather and the fact that not too many people like Tequila. Good. More for me.

Here's how you throw your own Margarita Saturday - so you can prepare for next year.


There should be more drinking related holidays too. You've got St.Patrick's Day, but that's in frosty March. Then there's Cinco de Mayo, but that's in early summer. May 24 isn't far behind there, but technically it's related to some princess or something. Ain't nobody like royalty or nothing.

Suggestions on others?

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