Sunday, April 1, 2007

Welcome to Hot Chowder.

Welcome one and all to Hot Chowder. I'll be your host through this adventure in life, love, music, entertainment and what it is that I eat on a daily basis. Not that it's all that important, but moreso than anything I've ever seen on the local news.

My name is Hoser Dave and I'm in my late twenties. I reside in a small town where everyone knows everyone and that's the way they like it. The local weekly newspaper even has a "social" reporter, who reports on all the happenings of every resident of the retirement homes in town. She also reports such important events as, "First Robin Sighting of 2007" and "So and So's relatives are in town from Barrie". Contain yourselves. I'll be sure to use some of her column as fodder.

I should point out one thing before i delve into this "blogging" thing. I have a goal. When I was in High School, I had some difficulty choosing a career path. On one hand, I'm a motorhead, and the other somewhat of an entertainer. I was either going to go to school to work in the automotive industry, or to become a radio DJ. I chose the auto industry, because at the time it was a very lucritive career choice. I did not no at the time that I would grow to hate it more and more as time goes on. So this blog, and eventually podcast "will" (read ~ had better damn well) fulfill that desire to inform and entertain.

So thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully you'll enjoy my life as much as I do.

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