Wednesday, April 4, 2007

What the hell is going on?

Okay, I can see this leading into a few different posts, but I guess I'll pick one item and start with that.


Period. I cannot stand to hear all the bullshit about, "Teachers can't control their classrooms because children have the upper hand" and "This recess is a "No Running" recess, to prevent injuries."

What the hell is society coming to? A no running recess? Kids can only briskly saunter or up the pace a bit while playing tag? Give me a break. School boards are so afraid of lawsuits in this "sue happy" era that it's affecting how kids are raised. Part of growing up is having authority figures scare the shit out of you when you do something dumb. Now kids are in the driver's seat, because teachers are afraid to so much as raise their voice in fear of losing their jobs.

Fuck that. My teachers used to beat the shit out of us guys when we got out of line. Not to say that we didn't try to retaliate, but we knew from then on there was always that threat. One time I watched my teacher hold a student against the wall by his throat. Not because the teacher felt like doing it, but because the kid was being an ignorant fuck stick and deserved it. There was always "that" teacher that had a run in with a kid years ago, and that reputation kept 99% of the kids in the future in line. I'm sure those teachers had an easier career handling the shit head kids than the push over teachers.

School boards need to re-vamp how they do business and get the control back from the kids. I say we go for a military style school atmosphere. Parents need to realize that they didn't get any of this bullshit when they were in school, and they turned out just fine. School is the first steps in preparing a kid for the real world, and if you keep them in a bubble, they'll turn into socially retarded douche bags.

1 comment:

Ken said...

You sir, are a hoser.